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Former President Carter Argues to Decriminalize Prostitutes - Not Prostitution

Former President Carter Argues to Decriminalize Prostitutes - Not Prostitution

Former President Jimmy Carter believes that prostitution is gender-based violence and that it must be stopped. He also believes that prostitutes themselves should not be punished. Instead, they should be viewed as victims. The prostitution industry and the johns who keep it running, however, should be criminalized. Yet, throughout history, that has not occurred. In fact, the opposite has occurred. The number of women arrested for prostitution greatly outweighs the number of men arrested for being johns. In Los Angeles, the ratio is three-to-one.

Selling sex is nothing new and women are often discriminated against in the 'world's oldest profession'. In the past, it has been seen as a crime against the consumer – perpetrated by the prostitute. Therefore, the prostitute was always punished harshly – often worse than the male clients.

Now, however, the times are a changing.

In countries that rank high on gender equality, there has been a progressive approach to ending sexual commercial exploitation. They have moved away from punishing the prostitutes and have focused their efforts on punishing the johns and the pimps that keep the business running. By attacking the "demand" aspect of the sex trade business, they have actually been able to decriminalize prostitution altogether. Countries like Norway and Sweden have actually stopped punishing prostitutes entirely and have focused their attention, and the punishment, on the johns and the pimps.

California has taken note of the action in those countries and has begun to shift their focus towards arresting and prosecuting the johns. They have even gone so far as to publically shame johns on their website and on billboards.

Solicitation of Prostitution Widespread

While many tend to believe solicitation is nothing more than the behavior of a small number of “deviants,” in fact, one out of every 5-6 men in America admits to paying for sex. Studies done on those who solicit prostitutes find these men to be both similar to the “average” person, and quite unlike the majority of true criminal offenders. These findings lead to the conclusion that social change is absolutely possible among men who solicit prostitution and can be accomplished by showing offenders the impact and consequences of their behaviors.

Arrested for some type of prostitution crime? Turn to the Law Office of Nabiel C. Ahmed today for a free initial consultation. Call today at (510) 907-6600

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